Monday, June 15, 2009

Quick Look: Psalm 47

Let's take a quick look at Psalm 47 (TM).

You read verse 1 of this psalm and you're taken immediately down memory lane with the children's chorus, which is unfortunate in a way. The chorus leaves out so many good bits!

  • v2 This verse states what is perhaps obvious, but just how obvious is it that
    • 1) the Lord is the Most High, and
    • He is awesome?
    Even in our gatherings at church, do we act as though He is awesome? Not really.
  • v3 I think this states Israel's expectation right up until the time of Christ, and was indeed the plainly stated role they imagined for their Messiah.
  • v4 This puts things perhaps a bit more ambiguously, foreshadowing the Suffering Servant role that the Messiah would actually fill. It's a good place for us to be, being willing and able to readily admit that God will choose our inheritance.

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