Thursday, July 02, 2009

Quick Look at 2 Corinthians 12:7-10

In 2 Cor 12:7-10 (TM), Paul discusses his infamous thorn in the flesh, and it proves to be a rich field of study, mainly because we have here the primary human author of the New Testament, and he’s not getting what he asks for in prayer. I’m sorry, but that’s notable.

The first thing you notice is that he sought the Lord three times for the thorn to be removed, so it’s clear that it was a big enough deal for him to ask, and then he didn’t just ask, he sought the Lord, pleading. What I get from this is three full-blown seasons of seeking God’s will on this, and he finally hears God’s answer, so he hung in there.

The second thing you get is that answer. “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” This is all your gonna get. This is a ticket for a free ride to quit whining, to get on with life, a dry-eyed, clear-path trail through the ruins of whatever-you-were-hoping-for, onward to what your life is actually going to be.

You are given grace, which is the free ticket part of the whole deal: it’s grace, stupid. Duh. It’s the guarantee that you can, indeed, make it through this. Sometimes we complain that a person doesn’t seem too concerned about whatever trouble they’ve found themselves in, but isn’t that the goal? That particular point could probably stand a lot of unpacking, and maybe I will do that at another time, there is a kind of indifference to results that indicates no direction, no drive, no ambition, but that’s often misconstrued for the actual working of grace, that allows you to despise (think Jesus despising (TM)the shame of the cross) all that as you keep your gaze fixed on the prize. We too often get derailed by minor points, or troubles that are beside-the-point. Grace is like peace in these situations; it lets you move on.

The third thing you get is how not-high-minded-or-spiritual this grace thing is. It’s a huge, cool thing. Do you see people born into money acting all apologetic or thinking they’re failures? Not as a general rule, you don’t. But they’re recipients of grace, also. So maybe we should take a cue from them whenever God decides to give us a free ride, and not hang our head about it.

Paul goes on to talk about bragging about his infirmities, “that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” Look at me, Paul says, this is POWER.

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Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Blue Parakeet: Chapter 4

In chapter 4 of Scot McKnight's fine Blue Parakeet, it's all about story and the retelling of the story with fresh nuance at each and every turn. He calls these retellings "wiki-stories" in the manner that the Wikipedia is put together article by article - hey, in some cases word by word, by the bearers of remarkably different viewpoints united in a common cause; it's a distributed model for a post-Babel world. What else could serve such a disparate, dispersed people?

Scot uses Mt 4:1-11 (TM) to illustrate the idea of wiki-story. It's the story of Jesus' temptation in the wilderness, and Scot explains that this could serve as a "perfected" retelling of either Adam & Eve's temptation, or the wilderness travails of the children of Israel. Either one works; indeed, maybe that's the point - Jesus steps in to whatever story and, in walking through it again, redeems it and reconciles it to Himself. And just this small taste, this one example, starts to open up an entire universe of possibilities for us: maybe this is how the ministry of reconciliation actually works! And then we're able to make the traditional application of rebuking Satan and his temptations with scripture just like Jesus, only now, through this reading of the story as a wiki-story, we're suddenly much more solidly grounded, more thoroughly prepared for the vagaries of life.

The Bible is flexible. It's vast. It's wide, covering a bazillion different things, and it's deep, restating some themes over and over with subtle variations, fitting itself through these countless iterations closer and closer to where we actually are, wherever we've actually washed up, painfully in need of rescue.

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Network of Conversations

Finnish sociologist Niklas Luhmann stated that “community is a network of conversations.” This is one of those quotes that immediately strikes you as being true, even when you don’t understand it. I have a pretty good idea about usage of the word “conversations” in emergent circles. In fact, I guess that it’s very closely related to my use of the word “negotiate,” or “sitting down at the table.”

Think of negotiating “in good faith.” How’s that defined? You have notions of transparency and fairness… in short, the Golden Rule, so that community becomes a network of Golden Rule participants. I was concerned that saying proper negotiating follows the Golden Rule is stating the obvious, especially when you could say that proper anything follows the Golden Rule. However, to put the emphasis on conversation heightens the attention to communication, the transparency side of negotiations, and using the word “negotiations” acknowledges that each party has its own set of interests; i.e. we don’t operate and relate in a bubble devoid of interest, and we are not all the same.

A pressure point in negotiations happens right here when parties realize that their interests do not map with those of other parties. You hear statements like, “I thought we were on the same page,” and the words carry a tone of betrayal and disappointment.

This isn’t right, though. Indeed, it betrays a certain naiveté to feel this shock. Of course the other party or parties have a different set of interests from my own. We should realize this.

What should inform this is another question: what is germane to this particular project? We are seeking to set scope. Are we on the same page? The only page that matters is the most local one that covers the project. Do our interests within the scope of the project map to a tolerable level of congruence? This is why Jesus says (TM) that if they're not against us they're for us.

Most misunderstandings where there wasn’t an out and out transmission error, in other words, where all words and intentions got transmitted and received correctly (transparency), fall under the category of scope error.

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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Going Up to Jerusalem

They were going up to Jerusalem with Jesus. What they were expecting was a blockbuster Michael Bays film: lots of explosions, collateral damage. Zap! Pow! What they got was an indie film with a confusing ending that wasn’t really an ending.

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Friday, June 19, 2009

A Quick Look at Psalm 81:11-12

Let's take a quick look at Psalm 81:11-12. (TM)

  • "...My people..." Even in the midst of our disobedience, even in the midst of punishing us, God considers us to be His people. We would do well to remember Hebrews 12:6 (TM), "For whom the Lord loves He chastens..."
  • "...would not heed My voice..." The opposite would be the way to go. Heed, according to means "pay close attention to..."
  • "...So I gave them over to their own stubborn heart..." A direct consequence of that stubbornness. God has the reputation of not staying where He's not wanted, and this passage would seem to support that.
  • "...To walk in their own counsels." This is reminiscent of Isaiah 55:8 (TM), where the Lord says that neither our thoughts nor ways measure up to His. Choosing our own way is a bad move, and He will let us do just that if we insist.

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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Quick Look at Psalm 81:7

Let's take a quick look at Psalm 81:7 (TM).
  • You called in trouble, and I delivered you... - Isn't this so typical of the Lord, the very type of thing that causes Him to be named Faithful and True?
  • ...I answered you in the secret place of thunder... - I love this secret place of thunder... secret, and therefore mysterious... thunder, and therefore powerful. I think it really is just like thunder when the Lord drops something heavy on you. It rattles everything, even the foundations. And nobody else is even aware of it many times, so that it's secret at the same time.
  • ...I tested you at the waters of Meribah... - This refers to the first time (TM) Moses was instructed to strike the rock, satisfying the thirst of the Israelites. It's funny how it says here that God tested the children of Israel, and in the Exodus passage it says that the people tempted God by asking "Is the Lord among us or not?"
    • Kind of makes you think this could be a diagnostic: If I'm thinking that I'll just smart off at God about my situation, maybe I'm just being tested after all.
    • Maybe it's the tell-tale sign that He's right there, though unseen, and He's involved. That's a nice thought.

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Monday, June 15, 2009

Quick Look: Psalm 47

Let's take a quick look at Psalm 47 (TM).

You read verse 1 of this psalm and you're taken immediately down memory lane with the children's chorus, which is unfortunate in a way. The chorus leaves out so many good bits!

  • v2 This verse states what is perhaps obvious, but just how obvious is it that
    • 1) the Lord is the Most High, and
    • He is awesome?
    Even in our gatherings at church, do we act as though He is awesome? Not really.
  • v3 I think this states Israel's expectation right up until the time of Christ, and was indeed the plainly stated role they imagined for their Messiah.
  • v4 This puts things perhaps a bit more ambiguously, foreshadowing the Suffering Servant role that the Messiah would actually fill. It's a good place for us to be, being willing and able to readily admit that God will choose our inheritance.

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